Yesterday, I walked into my bathroom and caught Lil' Miss red-handed. Or should I say red-
faced? With powder brush in hand, she was dousing her cheeks with my blush. I think she was going for the Russian nesting doll look.

I was shocked. She was
busted. But just as I was about to reprimand her for getting into my make-up she quickly reassured me, "No, Mom, it's okay. I'm fiiiiiine. It's me, Mom. It's JUST ME! "
Either she really believes I share her fear of face paint, or that was the shrewdest act of punishment evasion I've ever witnessed.
Sometimes kids can be really smart they are. I know that my kids were.
she's a clever one... punishment evasion technique i'm going to guess is from you, assurance the situation is under control would be from Jason. am i close?
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