Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crisis in Candyland

Oh my GOSH! Would somebody PLEASE get over here right now and stage an intervention for me the way my adorably stern college roomates tried to do when I kept losing my car keys at the library and I couldn't drive myself back to the apartment and the library was too far to walk so I had to call them and they had to come get me... at midnight? The thing is, I think I may have jinxed myself a month ago when I wrote that I didn't like Halloween candy because now I seriously can't stop eating it! And I no longer have the will power to throw it out and my plan to fit in my old prom dress for my twentieth reunion is slipping through my fingers the same way those mini M&M's do when I'm frantically trying to pour them out before anyone sees me. So, please, HURRY! And bring a few mini Twix while you're at it because my supply is running low...


mamaca said...

I'm sending the city trash collector right over!

christinaabray@gmail.com said...

andy said he'd be right over to collect all the chocolate

Datso said...

Careful...you'll end up stuck be-TWIX'd a choc and a lard place.

the Clarksters said...

i'd help but by the time the plane landed you may have already polished it off! when i'm surrounded by snacks and candy, my strategy is to just eat it all as quickly as possible so that it's out of the house and hope like heck nobody brings more or offers me dessert later in the night... nobody believes 'i'm not hungry'...